Costa Rica Sportsbook Industry – The tremendous growth in the popularity of wagering on sports in both the United States and around the world over the past several years has helped fuel the growth of the sportsbook industry in general and in particular the large increase in the number of independent sports bookmaking agents working with

Costa Rica News -Costa Rica is looking to show that it is committed to “green” energy. Costa Rica has boasted that almost all of the energy it has produced in 2015 came from renewable sources, making the small Central America country a global leader in green energy. “We close 2015 with 99 percent of clean energy!”

Costa Rica News – The Calvo cemetery has long been home to the remains of unclaimed bodies. If no relative shows up to identify a body it would be buried there, behind the Municipality of San Jose, in Mata Redonda. Due to a shortage of space, beginning in July, the bodies have had to be cremated

Costa Rica Entertainment – True Tico fans of “Star Wars” were all awake last night for the midnight showing of the seventh installment of the saga. One could easily have believed it was Halloween because of the amount of people dressed up as characters from the film. Some people bought tickets in advance. Others waited in

Costa Rica News – Costa Rica used to be part of a geographic region known as Pleistocene. This was during an ice age 2.58 million years ago. The area had savannas and forests full of giant sized animals. Imagine a five meter tall sloth. There were also giant armadillos, mastodons, toxodons, which are similar to rhinoceros,

Costa Rica News – If you want to go to the match featuring Costa Rica versus Nicaragua on Tuesday, December 15th at 6 pm… will get your chance starting Monday at 9 am. Luckily the match is in Costa Rica so you will not have to fight the border clog due to the Cuban immigration crisis.

Costa Rica News – The Marchamo paid this year is going to expire on December 31st so it’s time to purchase your new annual vehicle circulation certificate to avoid being fined by traffic police. This certificate includes compulsory third party no-fault liability insurance. That’s a fancy way to say that you are obligated to pay for