One of the most beloved and respected figures from Puntarenas, Fray Casiano de Madrid. Born in the 19th century, Fray Casiano was a Franciscan friar who dedicated his life to helping children and young people living on the streets.

Fray Casiano’s mission was to provide education to these young people, offering them a chance for a better life. He founded a school, which became known as the Colegio de Artes y Oficios, and he also established a trade school where young men could learn useful skills like carpentry and mechanics.

The people of Puntarenas hold Fray Casiano in high regard and consider him to be a saint. In fact, his remains are kept in the Church of Nuestra Señora del Carmen, where locals often come to pay their respects and seek his intercession.

Fray Casiano’s legacy lives on in the many young people whose lives he touched, and in the ongoing efforts to improve the lives of those in need in Puntarenas. His life serves as an inspiration to all those who seek to make a positive impact in their communities.

Another well-known character from Puntarenas is Don Joaquín García, who was a fisherman and boat builder. Don Joaquín was known for his exceptional skill in constructing boats, and his vessels were said to be some of the most seaworthy and durable boats in the region. Many fishermen in Puntarenas relied on Don Joaquín’s boats for their livelihoods.

Another notable character from Puntarenas is Don Máximo Fernández, who was a traditional musician and composer. Don Máximo was well-known for his lively and upbeat music, which he would play on his guitar and sing at local gatherings and events. He was particularly popular during the annual Carnaval de Puntarenas, where he would lead the procession of musicians and dancers.

There is also Don Oscar Barrantes, who was a historian and collector of local artifacts. Don Oscar was deeply passionate about the history and culture of Puntarenas, and spent many years traveling throughout the region collecting artifacts and documenting its traditions. His collection is now on display at the Puntarenas Museum, and serves as a valuable resource for historians and scholars studying the area.

Puntarenas is known for its beautiful beaches, delicious seafood, and vibrant culture. But the coastal city is also famous for producing some of the most talented soccer players in the country, including Lito Pérez.

Lito Pérez was born and raised in Puntarenas, and from a young age, he showed a natural talent for soccer. His passion for the sport led him to become a professional player and represent his hometown team in various competitions.

Throughout his career, Lito Pérez became an icon in Puntarenas, not only for his impressive skills on the field but also for his dedication to the community. He was known for his humble personality, and he would often spend time with young soccer players, inspiring them to pursue their dreams.

In recognition of his contributions to the sport and the community, the soccer stadium in Puntarenas was baptized with his name. The Lito Pérez stadium is a symbol of pride for the people of Puntarenas and a reminder of the legacy of this legendary soccer player.

But Lito Pérez’s impact goes beyond the world of sports. He was also a role model for the youth of Puntarenas, showing them that with hard work and dedication, they can achieve their goals. And his story serves as an inspiration for the next generation of soccer players and community leaders.

In Puntarenas, there is a girls’ school that bears the name of Delia Urbina de Guevara, an educator who dedicated many years of her life to shaping the minds of young women in the city.

Delia Urbina de Guevara was not just an ordinary teacher; she was a moral and ethical educator who instilled values and principles in her students that would guide them throughout their lives. Her approach to education was based on the idea that academic excellence must be accompanied by a strong sense of social responsibility.

Thanks to her efforts, many young women from Puntarenas were able to pursue higher education and become successful professionals in different fields. But more than that, Delia Urbina de Guevara’s legacy lives on in the values and principles that she instilled in her students.

Today, the girls’ school that bears her name is a symbol of excellence in education and a tribute to the legacy of this remarkable woman. And her story serves as an inspiration for educators everywhere, showing us that teaching is not just a profession, but a calling that can make a real difference in the world.

As the sun sets on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica, the streets of Puntarenas come alive with the sounds of music and laughter. But for the people of this seaside town, the festivities hold a special meaning. For them, it is a time to remember the life and legacy of Rosalía Palacios, better known as Chalía.

Chalía was a beloved figure in Puntarenas, known for her healing powers and compassionate nature. She was a midwife who delivered countless babies and a caregiver who tended to the sick and the elderly. But it was her work with children, single women, and alcoholics that set her apart from others.

Despite having no formal medical training, Chalía had a gift for healing. She would concoct herbal remedies and massage sore muscles to ease pain and discomfort. Her reputation spread far and wide, and people would travel from all over the country to seek her help.

Chalía’s generosity and selflessness earned her a special place in the hearts of the people of Puntarenas. After her death, an association was formed in her honor, and they hold an annual fair to commemorate her life and legacy. The fair is a celebration of Chalía’s healing powers, and it includes masquerades, bullfighting, and music.

For the people of Puntarenas, Chalía’s legacy lives on, and her name is synonymous with compassion, healing, and love.

Antonio Gámez is a name that every student who has passed through the Escuela Superior de Varones in Puntarenas knows well. The school, which was named after him, stands as a testament to his invaluable contributions to education in the region.

Gámez was born in Puntarenas in 1901 and had a passion for education from a young age. After completing his studies, he began his teaching career at the Escuela de Varones in Puntarenas, where he quickly established himself as an exceptional teacher.

Throughout his career, Gámez focused on developing teaching techniques that were innovative and effective, and his students thrived under his guidance. He was known for his ability to inspire and motivate students to learn, and his commitment to education was unwavering.

Gámez’s dedication to his profession did not go unnoticed, and he was recognized with numerous awards and honors throughout his career. But perhaps his greatest legacy is the Escuela Superior de Varones, which was renamed in his honor in recognition of his lifelong dedication to education.

Today, the school remains a pillar of the Puntarenas community, and Gámez’s name continues to inspire generations of students to pursue their educational dreams. His legacy serves as a reminder of the power of education to transform lives and communities, and his contributions to the field of education will always be remembered and celebrated in Puntarenas.

Chavelita Chávez de Valerio, the creator of a soft toffee candy manufacturing industry in Puntarenas. She was a woman who had a vision and was determined to make it a reality. Her soft toffee candy manufacturing industry is a testament to her hard work and dedication, and her legacy continues to inspire people to pursue their dreams and make a difference in the world.

Overall, the characters and figures from Puntarenas represent the rich and diverse culture of the region, and serve as a testament to the resilience and creativity of its people. Whether through sports, education, music, or other fields, these individuals have made lasting contributions to the community and continue to inspire future generations.