Costa Rica News – Most times when Costa Rica talks about protecting it sharks, it is just smoke and mirrors to hide their true agenda which is continuing to allow shark finning in its waters. 

Sharks are a research priority in Costa Rica, especially the silky and hammerhead varieties. One of the goals is to acquire information that can be used in the country and abroad for purposes of ensuring preservation.

Scientists also look for patterns and cause and effect relationships. Why the hammerhead shark is decreasing significantly in the eastern tropical Pacific is one question to be answered. Another issue is that the silky shark is being exploited.

The Memorandum of Understanding on the Conservation of Migratory Sharks held a meeting in Costa Rica this week. Its reports warn of declining populations and exploitation of breeding reserves.

Shark sustainability is an issue that, although controversial, must be attended to as soon as possible. More data is needed in order to pass laws to protect them and their environments.