Puntarenas, Garabito
Costa Rica News - A Russian tourist was visiting Costa Rica to visit his son, who lives in a condo in the Jaco area. The man was 62-years-old and known by his last name, Grigorenco. He was shot and killed in what is being looked at as self-defense. It all happened around 9:30 in the morning, two days ago. Apparently, Grigorenco started to experience a breakdown of sorts. This nervous breakdown led him to begin throwing appliances, and even furniture, out the window. A neighbor saw this and wondered what the problem was. He responded by trying to calm Grigorenco down…. Continue reading →

Costa Rica News – A Russian tourist was visiting Costa Rica to visit his son, who lives in a condo in the Jaco area. The man was 62-years-old and known by his last name, Grigorenco.

38_Special_costa rica 1He was shot and killed in what is being looked at as self-defense.

It all happened around 9:30 in the morning, two days ago. Apparently, Grigorenco started to experience a breakdown of sorts. This nervous breakdown led him to begin throwing appliances, and even furniture, out the window.

A neighbor saw this and wondered what the problem was. He responded by trying to calm Grigorenco down. At this point, according to the neighbor, Grigorenco lunged at him with a knife.

The neighbor, in self defense, drew his .38 caliber weapon and shot him three times. The shots hit his arm, thigh, and abdomen, killing him.

The shooter was arrested at the scene. Reports say that he is an American. The body was moved to the Judicial Morgue for an autopsy to be performed. Grigorenco had only been in Costa Rica a few days before he met this ill fated sequence of events.

 This is the story we are being reported but is it true?

Russian tourist only in the country 3 days.

Instead of the neighbor calling the police he decided to bring his .38 special and try to confront the tourist himself after seeing him throw items out a window.

He was shot not once but three times.

Sorry but I think this raises more questions than it answers.

What do you think happened?