The President of the country Juan Rafael Mora Porras raises the petition to the National Congress so that the population of the port will be referred to as “City of Puntarenas”, a project well founded on two solid firm and fundamental pillars, which were developed by its citizens; First for town growth and development but most importantly for having bravely participated in the glorious deed of 1856, which is a memorable fact in the history of the homeland. Therefore, generations of our future centuries should recognize them as an edifying example, a date that we will remember each year that passes and is September 17, 1858.
The Congress of Costa Rica approved and don Juanito signed to be executed and the years of the law that created it are fulfilled this coming September and united the population of this capital city of the province of the port with the throbbing theme: Forever Puntarenas does that its people vibrate celebrating with the immortal memory that the titan of our history Don Juan Rafael Mora Porras will leave engraved on them.
The city title is granted to Puntarenas in a Decree of September 17, 1858.