We had the privilege to spend the day with the team at Croc’s Casino Resort preparing content for an upcoming article, however there are a few photos below of the… Read more » Continue reading →
We had the privilege to spend the day with the team at Croc’s Casino Resort preparing content for an upcoming article, however there are a few photos below of the updated construction process as of September 7th 2013. The construction has come a very long way since the opening media event and ground breaking party that we attended a few months ago. It looks as though they are on track for a December 2014 launch of the entire Resort complex!
The management of Croc’s Casino Resort is very pleased with the quality and speed that partnering with Edica construction has brought to the overall development process.
In the near future The Costa Rica Star will be publishing an in depth article about Croc’s Casino Resort and why you need to get excited for this condo and hotel development that will change the face of tourism on the Pacific Coast of Costa Rica forever.
The photo below is the ocean view you will enjoy as a condo owner at Croc’s Casino Resort. However, add around 8 more floors in height to the view, compared to where this photo was taken.