Over the next few years, the sublime and mysterious stone spheres at the Palmar Sur park indigenous park in Costa Rica will witness the construction of the Brunca Region International… Read more »
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Costa Rica Real Estate News - The Costa Rica real estate market has seen significant growth over the past decade and a beach house in Costa Rica is the most prized piece of paradise to own. Owning a beach home in Costa Rica is a tropical dream already achieved by many people but there are some…
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Costa Rica News - There are many districts in Costa Rica, 127, to be specific, that are enjoying the new service from Kolbi, internet that is 10 times faster on smartphones. La Cruz, Limon, Miramar, and San Francisco are some of the areas that are experiencing this new 4G coverage. A third of the country has access on this network that opened yesterday. This mobile network allows live broadcast, gameplay, and downloads at speeds of up to 10 Mbps, though that maximum speed is not guaranteed. “Although we do the best we can, you may not reach 10 Mbps for reasons… Continue reading →
An incredible display of going way past the “extra mile” for a customer by a Minnesota clothier has created plenty of Internet buzz right in the middle of the busy… Read more »
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The TEDx Pura Vida 2014 event, with 25 local and foreign exhibitors presenting their innovative ideas, will take place today, February 27th, at the Auditorio Nacional del Museo de los… Read more »
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The Puntarenas Carnival is one of the most prominent beach celebrations in Costa Rica, and this year it will feature an international gathering of motorcycle aficionados, one of the largest… Read more »
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There is a place, north of the Rincon de la Vieja Volcano in Guanacaste, where the dry brown rolling plains give way to tall, lush green forest. Suddenly you are… Read more »
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Costa Rica Travel News - As of this month, we are only allowed into the Corcovado National Park with a certified guide who is familiar with this protected area, according to the Area de Conservacion Osa (Acosa). These guides can be local or national, as long as they have a license from the ICT, the Costa Rican Tourism Institute. To get the license, the guides must demonstrate knowledge of the trails. The trails in Corcovado have been re-classified recently. There are now class five expert level ones, including “Sirena” and “Patos.” Class five trails are beautiful, but extremely difficult. This new… Continue reading →
Costa Rica News – Pat Hundley the owner of the Day Star Properties in Jaco as well as the Jaco Rays soccer team is being accused of over $7 million dollars in damages to partners. As reported to the US Public Prosecutor ‘s Office the prosecuting group invested in a 15,850 square meter property in the town of Jaco and it seems they got the “gringo” prices on the property. The investors signed a contract and began making monthly payments of $ 500,000 for a year and a half, with the promise that in the end after the $7 million… Continue reading →
Costa Rica News – (February 17th Radio Show) – Overseas Radio Has Teamed up With The Costa Rican Times to provide multiple modes of information sharing for local and foreign expats in order to get Costa Rica news and knowledge to listeners. Topics for this week in this broadcast include accountability in the Costa Rica legal system, bitcoins being used for travel to Costa Rica and hidden gems in the Jaco and Hermosa area to give you those creature comforts of home while living abroad. Talk with Dan Stevens is during the second segment of the show. This article includes… Continue reading →