Puntarenas, Garabito
Costa Rica News – Remember in the crocodile scene in the movie “Runner, Runner”? Although it was obviously not shot at the Tarcoles river you get the gist. Seems this might not be too far from reality in Costa Rica when it comes to getting rid of bodies. The body of a woman was found… Continue reading →

Costa Rica News – Remember in the crocodile scene in the movie “Runner, Runner”? Although it was obviously not shot at the Tarcoles river you get the gist. Seems this might not be too far from reality in Costa Rica when it comes to getting rid of bodies.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThe body of a woman was found in the Tarcoles River, and she is thought to have been murdered. This unfortunate discovery was made by a tourist who was viewing the crocodiles that live under a bridge in the Garabito area.

The woman, ***** Patricia Sandi Arauz, was said to have been a good person from a good family but also someone who frequently went to dangerous bars and streets in the Jaco region. She had left home at 11 pm for a walk and was last seen at 4 am.

Gerardo Samudio, from the Red Cross, was in charge of the operation to recuperate her body. He personally recognized the woman from the neighborhood. I can’t imagine how hard that must have been for him.

She was wearing shorts and a top and had her ID and some cash on her. She presented signs of asphyxiation and bruises. Her body was taken to the judicial morgue to determine the cause of death.