Puntarenas, Puntarenas
The XI International Festival of Arts (FIA) 2008, meet in Costa Rica this year to more than 70 groups and soloists from at least 21 countries in a genuine cultural festival to be held from 11 to 20 April. Among the major attractions highlighted the presence in Puntarenas Groups Spain, China, Colombia, Argentina and Costa Rica.

Activity Guide FIA in Puntarenas

Wednesday 16

Time: 6:30 pm.
Place: Casa de la Cultura
Show: Old Wood
Company: Wood Group Flemish Old Spain

Thursday 17

Time: 10 am.
Place: Casa de la Cultura
Show: Caminito Sea
Company: Contraluz Theater of Costa Rica

Time: 2 pm.
Place: Casa de la Cultura
Show: Little way to Sea
Company: Contraluz Theater of Costa Rica

Time: 6:30 pm.
Place: Casa de la Cultura
Show: Ensemble of China Acrobatics and Music

Friday 18

Time: 6:30 pm.
Place: Casa de la Cultura
Show: Ensemble of China Acrobatics and Music

Time: 8 pm.
Held Tarima’s College
Show: Singing Venezuelan
Company: Cecilia Todd

Saturday 19

Time: 10 am.
Place: Casa de la Cultura
Show: Beware the Marimonda
Company: Manicomio of Puppets of Colombia

Time: 2 pm.
Place: Casa de la Cultura
Show: Beware the Marimonda
Company: Manicomio of Puppets of Colombia

Time: 3 pm.
Held Tarima’s College
Show: "The whole earth is your land
Company: UNHCR Theater of Costa Rica

Time: 6:30 pm.
Place: Casa de la Cultura
Show: Take of hands
Company: College Scenic Divide in Costa Rica

Time: 8 pm.
Held Tarima’s College
Show: Making sounds
Company: The Clash Urban Argentina