Costa Rica News – Gasoline prices in Costa Rica are finally dropping with a ‘big’ drop coming next month, and another possible drop in April.

The Autoridad Reguladora de los Servicios Públicos (Aresep) – regulating authority on public prices and services – said the drop in the price of oil on international markets is fueling the reductions in the country.

On February 15, the Aresep approved a drop of ¢113 colones for a lite of super, ¢115 for regular and ¢107 for diesel fuel. Natural gas (use mainly in kitchens around the country), aviation fuel and other oil products are also dropping in March.

Current per litre gasoline prices are: Super ¢559, Regular ¢539, and Diesel ¢453. For more fuel price details see the Recope website.

Also in March, the Aresep is expected to review gasoline prices for prices changes in April.

If the downward trend in international markets continues, we can see further reductions.

From QCostaRica