The Board of Directors of the Costa Rican Social Security Fund awarded, on Thursday, May 2, 2019, the design, construction and equipment of the new Monseñor Sanabria hospital in Puntarenas, which will become the largest hospital project erected in the country, from the construction of Hospital Mexico, 50 years ago.

The information was provided by Dr. Román Macaya Hayes, executive president of the CCSS, who expressed his satisfaction with this historic decision, since it will be one of the largest and most modern hospitals in the Social Security that will respond to the needs of the Buenos Aires population in a conjuncture of economic and tourist development of the Central Pacific region.

The construction of this great work of Social Security, was awarded to the Van Der Laat and Jiménez / INGELECTRA Consortium, after analyzing the different offers and knowing their experience in the construction of hospital systems, their financial capacity and amount of the offer presented to the institution.

According to the chief, the work will cost $ 225 million and will be executed under a bipartite financing modality between the Central American Bank for Economic Integration and the CCSS, which will benefit about 316 thousand inhabitants.

He affirmed that the execution of this project is a priority for the Institution and of special need to adequately reestablish the provision of health services to the population affected by the Nicoya earthquake, on September 5, 2012.

Dr. Mario Ruiz Cubillo, medical manager of the CCSS, considered that this new work will serve to improve the quality and timeliness of the care offered to the population of Puntarenas, meanwhile Dr. Rándall Álvarez Juárez, director of the Monseñor Sanabria hospital of Puntarenas, said he has no words to express the emotion he feels for this agreement of the Board of Directors of the Costa Rican Social Security Fund.