Costa Rica News – Since 2003, Asociación Pro Bienestar Animal (McKee Jaco) has been dedicated to significantly improving animal welfare through effective public awareness campaigns, education in animal welfare, animal population control and medical aid. Its mission “To End Pain and Suffering of All Companion Animals in our County” still stands strong. Despite the challenges and difficulties the organization has faced over the past decade, its determination to improve the lives of animals has always prevailed. Looking back on all these years, it is, without a doubt, awe-inspiring to see McKee Jaco has managed to accomplish with such a small… Continue reading →

Costa Rica Retirement News - Many U.S. retirees are moving as far as Southeast Asia to afford a better quality of life on their fixed incomes. That might be too much of a change for you; it would be too much for me. Costa Rica is a great option closer to home. It offers great health care, a low cost of living, a beautiful climate, and democratic security. Modern amenities meet a pleasant old-world friendly culture in this country that attracts thousands of expats annually. If you are considering starting over in this paradise you have a number of towns to… Continue reading →

Costa Rica Travel News – Many vacationers when they travel to Costa Rica have to spend a few days in the capital San Jose. You might be on a dental or medical vacation or just have to stay in the city for business meetings. While there are numerous things to do, museums to see, and places to explore in the capital city of Costa Rica, don’t forget to take some time out to explore the other sites that this great country has to offer. There are some illuminating places to see fairly close to the city even if you only… Continue reading →

World News  - As gay marriage is being talked about on a daily basis on most media outlets, the truth is what do you really know about the history of this vow between 2 people? At the end of this article Foamy the Squirrel talks about gay marriage, he gets it right! Moonstruck partners pledging eternal love may be the current definition of marriage, but this starry-eyed picture has relatively modern origins. Though marriage has ancient roots, until recently love had little to do with it. “What marriage had in common was that it really was not about the relationship… Continue reading →