The signing of the agreement was made at the National Technical University of Puntarenas, in the presence of President Carlos Alvarado. The Ministers of the Presidency, Foreign Trade, Economy, Industry and Trade, National Planning and Economic Policy, Agriculture and Livestock, the executive presidents of the Costa Rican Institute of Ports of the Pacific and the National Learning Institute, the General Manager of Procomer and the hierarchies of the UTN, UNA, UNED and CINDE.
Alvarado stressed that this unprecedented effort articulated between the public and private sector, academia and civil society, is part of the result of the hard work done by the Presidential Board for Puntarenas.
The proposal was presented by the Minister of Foreign Trade, Dyalá Jiménez, who stressed that for the first time in the history of the Central Pacific Region, the private sector, academia, civil society and related institutions have been articulated to guide the local productive development.
Marcelo Prieto, Rector of the National Technical University, said that “the Government has made an effort, with the participation of civil society, companies, universities, multiple social actors, to formulate a realistic, ambitious development strategy, coherent, based on the reality of the Central Pacific, which allows the development of a process of disruption that places this region on another economic, social and cultural level, this strategy will allow the economic reactivation, the increase of employment and the productive modernization of all the Central Pacific region”, he predicted.